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 Game Theory Visual Novel

Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project, I will be designing and developing a visual novel game. The story element of the game will take inspiration from topics like Game Theory and Social Psychology. My project will be a demo of a full game that has a tutorial, an introduction, and at the minimum, three routes to the game. The biggest inspirations for this project are other games that have a focus on Social Deduction games like Danganronpa  and Zero Escape. The main audience of my project would be people with an interest in visual novels or videos games with a strong focus on story.  In order to create this project, I need to use programs like unity to create the playable game and I would also need to work on creating the developing my characters based on the research I am doing. The biggest impact I want on my audience is for them to be intrigued and drawn by the story and characters and feel an attachment to the story I will create.\\

Capstone: Welcome

Jaylyn Pereira


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